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Home News How to beneficiate different types of gold ore

How to beneficiate different types of gold ore

504 16.Sep.2022 KZ Editor

1. Gold-bearing quartz vein gold ore

       Gold is fine-grained or fine-grained dispersed in quartz vein ore, deeply oxidized and free of copper, arsenic, antimony, bismuth and carbon.

This vein-like gold deposit is suitable for the all-slime cyanidation process. The gold-containing ore is leached in cyanide solution, and then activated carbon is used to directly absorb the gold dissolved in the pulp, and the carbon-gold mud is directly separated, purified and smelted.

In this vein-like gold beneficiation process, cyanide is a highly toxic substance that easily pollutes the environment. At present, low-toxic gold leaching reagents can be used to replace cyanide reagents for cyanidation gold extraction.


  2. Gold ore contains a small amount of sulfide

       This vein-shaped gold beneficiation technology is often used to deal with the time-dependent vein-shaped gold ores and the time-dependent pyrite that are closely related to gold and sulfide symbiosis.

Most of them are collected with xanthate, terpineol oil is used as a foaming agent, and the pulp is flotated in a flotation machine to obtain gold concentrate.

 3. Gold ore contains a lot of sulfide

       Pyrite and arsenopyrite are high in content and can be collected as by-products. The grade of gold is very low. Natural gold is fine-grained, mostly encased in pyrite.

Sulfide and gold are usually collected by froth flotation. The gold is then separated from the sulfide.


4. Gold-bearing polymetallic ore

       In addition to gold, there are copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, antimony, etc. in this type of ores. This gold ore contains a large amount of sulfides (10%–20%).

In addition to pyrite, natural gold is closely related to minerals such as copper and lead. The particle size of natural gold is relatively coarse, but the particle size varies widely and is unevenly distributed, and varies with mining depth.

       This type of ore is generally processed by flotation, in which the gold concentrate in the non-ferrous ore concentrate is recovered, and then the gold is recovered in the smelting process. Gold can be obtained by cyanation from gold-bearing concentrates produced by flotation of sulfide minerals in mines.

 5. Complex refractory gold ore

       In addition to gold, there are also a large amount of antimony, arsenic, tellurium, argillaceous and carbonaceous substances. These impurities make the traditional beneficiation process very difficult and complicate the technological process. In the process of beneficiation of such ores, gold-containing non-ferrous metal concentrates are generally obtained by flotation, and then harmful impurities such as arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and carbon in the gold concentrate are removed by low-temperature oxidative roasting or low-temperature oxidative roasting. Hot-pressed oxidative leaching, followed by cyanidation to extract gold from calciners or leaching residues.

 6. Gold and copper mines

       This type of ores differs from polymetallic gold-bearing ores by their lower gold grades. The grain size of natural gold is medium, but the grain size varies greatly, and the symbiotic relationship between gold and other minerals is complex. During copper flotation, most of the gold goes into copper concentrate, which is then recovered when copper is smelted.

       The gold beneficiation process mainly depends on the chemical composition of the gold ore, the mineral composition, the gold particle size of the gold, and the requirements of the finished product. No matter what technology and process are used, when the raw material contains crude dissociated gold, it is generally recovered in time by methods such as amalgamation, gravity separation or single-cell flotation, and then flotation and cyanidation are carried out.

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